Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Defend America From "Terrorism"

Terrorism by Islamic radicals, called Islamo-fascists by many, is a real threat. Congress should hold hearings on their activities across the movement and across the world.

This war against Islamo-fascism is currently in a critical stage. We must end that our nation is being torn apart by the politicizing of a war (for the first time since the civil war). Especially since it is a war we did not start. When democrats claim that we invaded Iraq without justification it is because they do not accept that this is a war against a movement not confined to Iraq or Afghanistan. They see each war as a limited fight. In reality each front is a fight against one tentacle of a huge octopus. The historical focus on war as against nations and not movements is a serious mistake democrats are making that will lead to our defeat.

The American people are prepared to believe we face extraordinary threats from a nuclear Iranian regime actively seeking to develop nuclear weapons and a Pakistan dictatorship which already has them. Actions in Iraq need to be recast in terms of their impact on Iran and Pakistan and their willingness to give nuclear weapons to the Islamo-fascists. A weak America in Iraq will be unable to stop Iran and Pakistan Islamo-fascist supporters. Stopping Iran and Pakistan is literally a matter of life and death.

There have been reports on the claim by some elements of the Islamo-fascist movement that they will set off 7 nuclear bombs in American cities at some point. This is not an idle threat. It is the type of threat that fueled the multi decade attempts to bring down the World Trade Center. Unless we recognize the direction of the next dramatic phase in this war, we will be dealing with a partisan war over our nation in the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust.

Our soldiers understand what we are fighting for. They understand that the fronts in Iraq and Afghanistan are needed to reduce the threat. They see we must fight there or once again fight in the streets of America, as happened on 9/11. We must support these brave men and women. As noted recently by numerous writers, we should stand in awe of the courage of these young people. They are proving that our nation still has an amazing ability to produce the finest citizens who can ever be found, those with the character and courage to risk their lives for the freedom of us all. God bless them.

Congress should hold hearings on the scale of the Iranian and Pakistani threats, the statements of their key leaders and the requirements for action. We must control these dictatorships and the Islamo-fascist movement before they succeed in killing millions of Americans. Everything about Iraq should be debated within this larger and much more dangerous context. Make the fight against the Islamo-fascism movement a referendum for Elections. Make the support of the goals of our forces, defense of our freedoms, the determining factor for Elections.

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